The 2024 annual summit of G7 leaders will be held at Savelletri in Puglia between 13-15 June.
The G7 meeting will take place at the luxury resort of Borgo Egnazia on Puglia’s Adriatic coast, less than 30km from Ostuni.
The holiday resort, which is also known for its spaghetti all’assassina – one of Puglia’s most sought after dishes – is popular with celebrities including Madonna, who visited in 2016, 2017 and again in 2021. It was the venue chosen by Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel for their “hush-hush” 2012 wedding.

- Brindisi Restrictions
- Heightened Security and Consular Services During the G7 Puglia Summit – U. S. Embassy, Rome, Italy (June 13-15, 2024)
- Savelletri Restrictions
Brindisi Restrictions
UPDATE 9 June |

Brindisi Airpot | Public Transport access will be available

Parking and circulation ban
From 07:00 on 12 June 2024 to 01:00 on 14 June 2024 and, in any case, until the needs no longer exist, the ban on parking with the removal of all vehicles in the following streets: Via Provinciale San Vito; Cillarese Park, including the parking area; Via del Lavoro in the stretch between via della Vite and via Provinciale San Vito; Vico Lungo; Via Madonna del Dolce Canto; Via Ariete; Via Arcione; Vico Rotto; Via Crocevia Caprai; Vico Monfalcone; Delfino Court; Via Osanna in the stretch between Via Provinciale San Vito and the level crossing of the railway line, as well as in the stretch between numbers 93 and 132; Via Delfino; Via Ponte Ferroviario; Via Silla Dictator; Via Vespasiano; Via Ottaviano; Via de’ Carpentieri; Via Appia, in the stretch between the pedestrian underpass and via Bastioni San Giorgio; Freedom Street; Via dei Mille; Via Andrea Pigonati; Thaon de Revel Street; Via Lucio Scarano; Zadar Street; Vicolo Veneziani; Via Dorotea; St. Aloy Street; Largo Guglielmo da Brindisi; Largo San Paolo; Via Pasquale Camassa; Largo Seines; Via Lenio Flacco; Via de’ Vavotici; Via Santa Barbara, in the stretch between via San Benedetto and via Moricino; Via Moricino; Via Lauro; Armengol Street; Via San Benedetto; Vico Bianchi; Vico Epifani; Vico Migliore; Via Cittadella; Via Cittadella Nuova; Via Castello; Via de’ Templari; Via Nicolò Taccone; Rhodes Street; Nicolò Taccone Court; Via Gorizia; Via Santa Margherita; Via Monopoli; Via de’ Caracciolo; Via Guglielmo Marconi; Via Alfredo De Sanctis; Via San Benedetto; Via Passante; Passante Court; Via Manzoni; Via Carmine, in the stretch between via Giordano Bruno and via Cristoforo Colombo; Via Cristoforo Colombo in the stretch between via Carmine and via Castello. Amerigo Vespucci seafront.
From 07:00 on 13 June 2024 to 01:00 on 14 June 2024 and, in any case, until the needs cease, there is a ban on transit and circulation on the roads referred to in point 1, as well as on the stretch of Via Cristoforo Colombo from the intersection with via Carmine to the intersection with Corso Umberto.
Pedestrian restrictions (excluding residents)
From 07:00 on 13 June 2024 to 01:00 on 14 June 2024 and, in any case, until the needs cease, pedestrian circulation is prohibited on the roads falling within the safety area_ Via Ciciriello (Tennis Club height) – Former Naval College Niccolò Tommaseo – Tommaseo urban forest – Via Prov. S. Vito (Closures: via del Lavoro-V. Vico Lungo – Via Madonna del Dolcecanto -V. Osanna- V. Ariete – V. Arcione- Crocevia Caprai – V. Corte Delfino – V. Delfino) – V. Ponte Ferroviario ( Closure: external flyover/civ. 27) — V. Ottaviano — V. Carpentieri (Closing: civ. 5A/height of Porta Napoli) — V. Cristoforo Colombo (Closing: Crossroads of V. Carmine/height of Porta Napoli) — V. Dè Caracciolo — V. Rodi (from V. Dè Caracciolo to V. Taccone) — Via Taccone (from V. Rodi; Closed V. Gorizia — V. S. Margherita — Crossroads V. Monopoli) — Via Cittadella Nuova — V. Madonna della Neve (Closed: civil Stairway V. Fusco – Staircase Pendio Fontana) — V. Scarano/L. go Sciabiche — L. go Sciabiche/ V. Tahon De Revel (Closed: from Ristorante La Nassa to the end of the quay on the sea side) — Via Amerigo Vespucci]. Except residents, healthcare workers in emergency activities, employees or economic operators carrying out current activities in the same area. If necessary, for contingent needs and at the disposal of the police authorities, the ban on pedestrian circulation may also be extended to the categories referred to in the previous period.
Traffic restrictions around Brindisi airport
From 07:00 on 13 June 2024 to 01:00 on 14 June 2024 and, in any case, until the needs no longer exist – if necessary and at the disposal of the Police Authority. – there is a ban on transit and circulation on the streets: Maestri del Lavoro, Strada Comunale 10, Contrada Baroncino, Ruggero De Simone, Nicola Brandi, Via Benedetto Brin from number 5 to the roundabout with Via De Simone/Brandi/Ciciriello, Via Ettore Ciciriello, S.P. 697, coplanar roads, S.S. 379 southbound, “Casale” junction, S.S. 16, Via Provinciale San Vito.
Other transit bans in central Brindisi
From 07:00 on 13 June 2024 to 01:00 on 14 June 2024 and, in any case, until the needs cease, vehicular transit is permitted on the following routes: via Duomo, via Annibale De Leo, piazzetta Dante, via Marco Pacuvio, via Tarantini; via Ferrante Fornari, via Carmine, via Giordano Bruno; via Carmine, via San Lorenzo da Brindisi turn right onto Corso Umberto (current ZTL), Piazza Cairoli, Corso Umberto.
Parking for downtown residents
Use the following parking areas for residents in the streets referred to in point 1, which can be reached by free public transport service from 2.00 pm on 11 June to 2.00 pm on 14 June: Villaggio Acque Chiare – s.p. 41/road to Sbitri; Largo Poliziano (Parco Bove), Paradiso district; Palapentassuglia car park – Masseriola district – s.p. 79; BrinPark – viale Caduti di via Fani; Le Colonne shopping center; Bozzano district – Via Spagna; Bozzano neighborhood – Via Grecia; Via del Lavoro (Minnuta area).
US Embassy advises citizens to “avoid the area”
UPDATE 8 June |
Heightened Security and Consular Services During the G7 Puglia Summit – U. S. Embassy, Rome, Italy (June 13-15, 2024)
Location: Puglia, Italy
As part of its G7 Presidency, Italy will host a Summit of Heads of State and Government in Fasano, Puglia June 13 -15, 2024. During the Summit and in periods immediately before and after the event, travelers can expect heightened security in and around the Summit venues. Traffic disruptions, road closures, demonstrations, and airport delays may occur without warning in the Summit area, as well as in other cities.
The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Italy will offer normal consular services during regular hours throughout the duration.
Actions to Take:
- Avoid the area and exercise caution on the affected dates.
- Avoid demonstrations.
- Monitor local media for updates.
U.S. Embassy Rome, Italy
Via Vittorio Veneto, 121
+39 06 46741
UPDATE 6 June | Expected to be announced yesterday (5 June), citizens and tourists are incredibly frustrated to still not know the restrictions that will apply!
The Municipality of Fasano, in recent days, has received dozens and dozens of phone calls not only from residents in the Fasano area but also from tourists asking for information which, naturally, no one has been able to respond to. It seems that even the mayor Francesco Zaccaria will not know know until the last minute how the security system in the city will be implemented and the creation of any red zones.
“Le si attendevano per ieri ma ancora nulla. Le restrizioni relative al territorio di Fasano per il G7 tardano ad arrivare nonostante martedì pomeriggio a Brindisi si sia tenuto il decisivo vertice con il ministro dell’Interno Matteo Piantedosi. L’importanza dell’evento non ammette sbavature ma i cittadini premono per conoscere quali saranno le limitazioni a cui andranno incontro. Al centralino del
Comune di Fasano, in questi ultimi giorni, sono arrivate decine e decine di telefonate non soltanto da residenti nel Fasanese ma anche da turisti per chiedere informazioni a cui, naturalmente, nessuno ha saputo rispondere. Pare che anche il sindaco Francesco Zaccaria saprà all’ultimo minuto come sarà messo in atto il sistema di sicurezza in città e la creazione di eventuali zone rosse.”

Temporary border controls introduced, closure Brindisi Airport
UPDATE 1 June | From 14:00 on 5th June to 14:00 on 18th June 2024 border controls will be in place for all visitors entering Puglia by air or via its ports, as Schengen zone arrangements are suspended.
A temporary ban on the airspace for commercial flights at Brindisi airport has been ordered from 7pm to 11pm on the 13th June 2024. Therefore, Aeroporti di Puglia invites passengers to contact the airline to verify the consequent changes (cancellation, delay, rescheduling) of their flight.
Brindisi Airport
UPDATE 24 MAY | The first security measures have been announced. Expect disruption, but the airport will still function.
On 22 May the Municipality of Brindisi issued five ordinances relating to transit and parking bans. From 7am on 11 June until 1pm on 16 June there will be a ban on transit and parking on the road leading to the Church of Santa Maria del Casale, on the stretch of road with access from Via Contrada Baroncino between the P8 and P9 car parks adjacent to the airport.
On June 13th from 7am “until the needs cease” there will be a “ban on pedestrian transit at the Via Appia underpass (only rail transit allowed)”. From 12 June there will be a ban on parking and stopping in some areas of the center of Brindisi not far from Castello Svevo, including: via Carmine from the intersection of via Giordano Bruno up to via Cristoforo Colombo and piazzale Lenio Flacco . From 7am on 13 June until “needs no longer exist”, the suspension and diversion of the public transport service (bus-taxi-medium/long distance) will be in force, along the road arteries affected by the main and alternative itineraries intended for the mobility of delegations, as well as along the urban road axes included in the urban safety area”.
Alberobello, Polignano a Mare
It is expected that dignitaries will visit Alberobello and Polignano a Mare. No official announcement has yet been made, but US security services are rumoured to have carried out security audits.
Brindisi – 13 June
On 18 May it was announced that a formal event will take place in Brindisi on the 13 June in the city centre at the Castello Sveva. According to Brindisi’s mayor, Giuseppe Marchionna:
“We will have a red zone in the area around the Castle, at least starting from the railway bridge, and also on the other side of the city where the Casale district and the Fishermen’s Village are located: these last two areas, even if separated only by the sea, are just a hundred meters as the crow flies from the castle. It is easy to assume that they will also be off limits for pedestrian traffic during dinner hours. Then there is also the entire internal road system, which will be used by the escort cars, which will not be accessible to vehicles at least in the hours closest to the arrival of the world leaders. The red zone will affect 5 thousand citizens.”
“There will be at least three different possible itineraries. Therefore the area affected by road closures will be larger and there will be many [closed] roads. Clearly this is one of the many safety measures necessary to guarantee everyone’s safety.”
To ease the pressures schools and public offices in Brindisi’s centre will be closed.
However the mayor has promised that there should be less disruption to the public than there was during the great evacuation of Brindisi in 2019:
“I would say that there are notable differences. Meanwhile, the evacuation due to the bomb involved 54 thousand people, while in this case the people of Brindisi actually affected will be four to five thousand, no more. And in that case they were forced to leave their homes. It should be easier for citizens; just follow the instructions that will soon be released and stay at home during the most critical times or stay away from the city centre.”
Savelletri Restrictions
Fasano Update 7 June | Comune di Fasano

The Municipality of Fasano – hereby announces that from June 13 to 15, 2024, in the Municipality of Fasano (BR), at the Borgo Egnazia resort, the Summit of Heads of State and Government will take place as part of the Italian Presidency of the Group of the Most Industrialized Countries (G7). To ensure the security of this institutional event and the movement of Delegations, a complex security apparatus has been arranged by prefectural decree, structured into three areas, each regulated by different restriction regimes. In summary, from 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, and in any case until the need ceases, a Controlled Access Area, larger in scope, will be activated, containing two Maximum Security Areas characterized by the highest level of security. Additionally, there will be an Attention Area, forming an outer ring around the Controlled Access Area, where, although there are no specific restrictions, a control device by the police forces will be activated.
Northern Perimeter Controlled Access Area:
- Strada Comunale 14 Egnazia (between SP90 and SP3);
- SP3 (between Strada Comunale 14 Egnazia and SC 18 Piantata Egnazia);
- 1st Interpoderale southwest direction (from the intersection with via degli Scavi, continuing along the parallel unnamed road, in-depth to the impassable section height of the fields);
- 2nd Interpoderale southwest direction (between Strada Comunale 18 Piantata Egnazia and the junction with SP3).
Southern Perimeter Controlled Access Area:
- SP4 (between the intersection with SP3 and the junction with SP90);
- SP3 (between SP4 and SC Pettolecchia);
- Strada Comunale Burgo Cerasina (between SP3 and Strada Comunale Capricella);
- Strada Comunale Capricella (between SC B. Cerasina and Via Comunale S. Domenico);
- Via Comunale S. Domenico to the intersection with Strada Comunale Pignatta Pettolecchia;
- Strada Comunale Pignatta Pettolecchia to the junction with SP90.
Residents/Business Owners/Employees/Hotel Guests:
Access to the Controlled Access Area will be allowed from 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, or until the need ceases, including with vehicles, only if in possession of badges associated with individuals and vehicles; badge possession will be checked by police crews. Badges are non-transferable.
Borgo Egnazia Maximum Security Area Perimeter:
- SP90 (from the intersection with SP4 to the intersection with SC14 Egnazia);
- Strada Museo Archeologico Egnazia (from the intersection with SP90/Strada Comunale 14 Egnazia, along Strada Comunale 14 to the intersection with Strada Comunale 22 Carceri di Egnazia, Pezze di Chiave, San Domenico, towards the Museum, Egnazia Archaeological Area);
- Strada Comunale 22 to the intersection with via degli Scavi;
- 1st Interpoderale southwest direction (from the intersection with via degli Scavi, along the parallel unnamed road, in-depth to the impassable section height of the fields);
- 2nd Interpoderale southwest direction (between Strada Comunale 18 Piantata Egnazia and the junction with SP3);
- SP3 (between the intersection with SC 18 Piantata Egnazia and SP4);
- SP4 (between the intersection with SP3 and the junction with SP90).
San Domenico Maximum Security Area Perimeter:
- SP90 (from the intersection with SC 40 Forcatella to the intersection with SC Pignatta Pettolecchia);
- Strada Comunale Pignatta Pettolecchia (between SP90 and Strada Comunale San Domenico);
- Strada Comunale San Domenico (between SC Pignatta Pettolecchia and SC 40 Forcatella);
- SC 40 Forcatella (to the junction with SP90).
Residents/Business Owners/Employees:
Inside the Maximum Security Area, from 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, or until the need ceases, there will be a ban on vehicular and pedestrian traffic. However, within the urban perimeter of Savelletri, pedestrian movement will be allowed for daily needs. Only residents, business owners with activities inside the zone, employees of business/commercial activities, and hotel guests will be allowed access to the maximum security areas. Entry for these individuals will be permitted only after showing badges issued by the event organizers, following strict checks by the police, and exclusively through two exchange areas set up at Acquapark Egnazia (SP 90/Contrada Losciale) and the parking area in front of the Mare Mosso restaurant (SP90). From these exchange areas, individuals can reach their respective destinations within the Maximum Security Area using free shuttle buses, escorted by police during the journey. Exiting the Maximum Security Area will follow the same procedures. Vehicles reaching the exchange areas must be parked there and retrieved upon exit. For businesses in Savelletri, public access will be limited from June 11 to June 15 to authorized individuals only, following the accreditation process: residents, employees of local businesses, and guests of accommodations located within the area.
Hotel Guests:
Guests of hotels within the Maximum Security Area will have access only upon showing a badge issued by the event organizers. From 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, or until the need ceases, they can reach their hotels exclusively through the two exchange areas using the shuttle buses provided by the event organizers. Access will be granted only after strict checks by the police on individuals and their luggage. During their stay, from June 11 to June 15, they can use commercial activities within the urban center of Savelletri and nearby beaches, which must be accessed using the free shuttle buses.
Suppliers of Perishable Goods/Non-Postponable Services:
Delivery personnel for perishable and non-postponable goods (e.g., to hotels) from 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, or until the need ceases, will be allowed access to the Maximum Security Area only with badges for both individuals and vehicles issued by the event organizers. After passing strict checks by the police, vehicles will be escorted to their destination within the area. Movements within the Maximum Security Area may experience delays due to the movement of official delegations. Business owners in the Maximum Security Area are advised to limit deliveries from June 11 to June 15 to essential ones and stock up in advance where possible. Control points along the perimeter will ensure compliance with the regulations to prevent unauthorized access.
From June 4, individuals authorized to access the Maximum Security Area and Controlled Access Area must request accreditation at the dedicated center at the Palazzetto dello Sport in Fasano, located on Strada San Lorenzo. For hotel or business employees, collective accreditation procedures through a single representative using the platform of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers at Detailed information on the procedures can be obtained at the Palazzetto dello Sport.
From 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, or until the need ceases, delivery operators cannot enter the Controlled Access Area or Maximum Security Areas on foot or with vehicles.
Couriers will not be able to access the security area with their vehicles from 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, or until the need ceases. Entry into the Controlled Access Area or Maximum Security Areas is prohibited on foot or with vehicles.
Services will be suspended in the Controlled Access and Maximum Security Areas from 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, or until the need ceases. Rides can start from the exchange areas at Acquapark Egnazia and the Mare Mosso restaurant parking area.
Unauthorized vehicular traffic will be filtered and redirected at two control points: at the intersection of Contrada Garrappa via Eroi del Mare (Torre Canne) and at the intersection of SP90 and Strada Schiuma (Capitolo).
Public transport will be suspended from 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16, or until the need ceases, within the Controlled Access Area and Maximum Security Area. Free shuttle bus service will be available from 5:00 AM to 1:00 AM the next day for residents, business owners, and employees within these areas.
Agricultural business owners with lands within the Controlled Access and Maximum Security Areas, upon showing badges and passing strict police checks, may access only for essential and non-postponable activities (e.g., manual irrigation). In the Controlled Access Area, access is allowed with a vehicle if they have personal and vehicle badges and must occur before 7:00 AM. Heavy agricultural vehicles are not permitted. In the Maximum Security Area, access is only via shuttle buses. Access should be limited to strictly necessary needs.
The beach resorts/beaches located along the coastal stretch of Savelletri will not be accessible to the general public “commuters” who are not authorized to enter the Controlled Access Areas and Maximum Security Areas. Access will only be permitted to residents of Savelletri and guests of hotels located within the mentioned zones, provided they have special badges issued by the event organizers. In any case, it will not be possible to reach the beaches with personal vehicles but only on foot if residents/domiciled in Savelletri, using the free buses/shuttles provided by the event organizers.
The beach resorts located along the coastal stretch of Fasano, on the stretch of SP90 running from Acquapark Egnazia towards Capitolo, will be open to the public as they are not included within the Controlled Access Area and Maximum Security Area. Parking will not be allowed along SP90 or nearby roads. It should be noted that SP90 may be affected by the movements of institutional delegations, and traffic may experience slowdowns or temporary suspensions, causing inconvenience to visitors. It is strongly recommended that the beach resorts that remain open regulate access based on the capacity of their private parking facilities.
From 7:00 AM on June 12, 2024, to 11:59 PM on June 16, 2024, public demonstrations are prohibited, with the consequent revocation and/or prescription to take place elsewhere for those already notified, along the roadways affected by the main and alternative routes intended for the mobility of Foreign Delegations, as well as in the Controlled Access Area (A.C.C.), Maximum Security Areas (A.A.M.M.S.S. Borgo Egnazia and San Domenico), Exchange Area, and Security Area Brindisi, as identified in previous articles and graphically represented in the attached maps that form an integral part of this order.
From 1:00 PM on June 11, 2024, to 8:00 PM on June 15, 2024, there is an absolute ban, both by road and rail, on the transport and transfer of weapons, ammunition, explosives, and explosive substances, as well as toxic gases within the Province of Brindisi. The ban in paragraph 1 does not apply to vehicles transporting liquid gas for hospital supplies and/or for healthcare purposes, provided they have suitable documentation proving the necessity and intended use. From 1:00 PM on June 11, 2024, to 8:00 PM on June 15, 2024, there is a ban on the ignition of pyrotechnic products within the Province of Brindisi.
Port Authority Ordinance
From 00:01 AM on June 10 to 11:59 PM on June 15, 2024, and in any case until the need ceases, on the occasion of the intergovernmental forum “G7”, to be held at Borgo Egnazia in Fasano from June 13 to 15, 2024, in the waters off the municipality of Fasano (BR) – Savelletri area, three different maritime areas are designated, georeferenced below.
The Maximum Security Area (ZMS) corresponds to the coastal landmarks, Ristorante la Peschiera (BA) (north side) and Beach Club “Mare Mosso” Torre Canne (BR) (south side), including the entire port of Savelletri (Fasano – Brindisi).
The Controlled Access Area (ACC) corresponds to the coastal landmarks, Lido Calamarena (BA) (north side) and Lido Verde (BR) (south side), including the entire port of Savelletri.
The Surveillance and Alert Area (ASA) corresponds to the coastal landmarks, Muro Scavi d’Egnazia (BR) (north side) and Sole in Me Resort (BR) (south side), including the entire port of Savelletri.
All naval units in transit will be subject to control/inspection by the naval units of the police and military forces present, and for this purpose, they must pay maximum attention to the indications given by these units, facilitating the related maneuvers of approach and docking.
Within the Maximum Security Area (ZMS – ALFA), it is prohibited:
a) to navigate, anchor, or stop with any naval unit for any purpose;
b) to carry out diving activities with any technique;
c) to conduct any type of fishing, whether sport or professional;
d) to swim.
Within the Controlled Access Area (ACC – BRAVO), it is prohibited:
a) to anchor or stop with any naval unit for any purpose;
b) to carry out diving activities with any technique;
c) to conduct any type of fishing, whether sport or professional.
Within the Surveillance and Alert Area (ASA – CHARLIE), it is prohibited:
a) to anchor or stop with any naval unit for any purpose;
b) to carry out diving activities with any technique;
c) to conduct any type of fishing, whether sport or professional.
All naval units in transit must proceed with maximum caution, maintaining continuous monitoring on channel 16 VHF and paying maximum attention to the signals/warnings that may be given by the police and military units engaged in the security device. All naval units in transit may be subject to control/inspection by the police and military naval units present.
Specific provisions for the port and harbor of Savelletri:
- From 00:01 AM on June 10, 2024, to 11:59 PM on June 15, 2024, and in any case until the need ceases, the Scirocco Pier in the port of Savelletri, as better identified in figure 4, will be used solely for the docking of police and military units.
- The docks and piers in the port of Savelletri, not used by police and military forces, may be used by the units that habitually dock there, provided they are properly registered with the Head of the Local Maritime Office of Savelletri.
- During the same period, the port area mentioned in point 1, used exclusively by police and military units, is prohibited for pedestrian and vehicular transit of any means not expressly authorized or not belonging to the aforementioned forces.
- From 00:01 AM on June 10, 2024, to 11:59 PM on June 15, 2024, and in any case until the need ceases, the port and harbor of Savelletri are prohibited for navigation, docking, and anchoring of any naval unit.
- Naval units that habitually dock at the port of Savelletri, in public docks or nautical clubs, may remain docked without the possibility of use, upon presentation, at the Local Maritime Office of Savelletri, of documentation proving ownership and allowing their registration.
- During the same period, the entire port area is prohibited for pedestrian and any vehicular transit.
- Naval units present in the port and that have not submitted ownership documentation to the Local Maritime Office of Savelletri will be considered unauthorized occupants of the maritime domain pursuant to articles 54, 1161, and 1164 of the Navigation Code.
Savelletri – not confirmed but “reliable” according to La Gazetta del Mezzogiorno
UPDATE 28 May | Residents “park and ride” arrangements will be in place to travel in and out of Savelletri. There will be two exchange areas where residents will be able to leave their cars and be accompanied to Savelletri by shuttle: one between Savelletri and Torre Canne the other between Savelletri and Capitolo.
Commercial establishments, starting with restaurants, will be able to open to residents.
For the three days of the G7 summit non-residents will be not be able to go to Savelletri. [It is assumed any already staying in accommodation will be locked down inside the red zone].
Savelletri | The Red Zone Maximum Security Area
With less than 5 days to go until the conference starts, security arrangements have not yet been confirmed. However it is anticipated that there will be a maximum security “red zone” around the entire Borgo extending, according to newspaper reports, to 10 square km around the luxury resort. There could possibly be a yellow buffer zone up to 30 square km, restricting entry only to domiciled residents with pre-registered security passes.

We anticipate that travel in and out of Savelletri will be severely restricted, and visiting nearby Monopoli being difficult, if not subject to delay and disruption. (Check out the comments section below – existing bookings in Savelletri are only now being cancelled by owners due to anticipated restrictions, leaving some scrambling to find alternative accommodation at the last minute).
Details of the final security arrangements and restrictions are anticipated as late as only 10 days before the event. Expect disruption from 13 – 15 June travelling in and around Brindisi and Monopoli, extending along the Adriatic highway which passes within 8km of the resort. Particularly on the 13th and 15th as various presidents, premiers, prime ministers and heads of state arrive at Brindisi airport and transfer to nearby Savelletri.
Italy’s Presidency of the G7
On January 1, 2024, Italy assumed, for the seventh time, the Presidency of the G7: the group that brings together Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The European Union also participates.
In addition to the Puglia Summit, Italy will host 20 ministerial meetings in 2024. The meetings will take place in various Italian cities as part of an organisational commitment that includes a leading role for local institutions in the activities of the G7.
The logo, inspired by Puglia

The core element of the Italian G7 Presidency logo is an ancient olive tree. It is one of the most widespread and iconic trees in the Italian and Mediterranean landscape and is mostly associated with Puglia.
The logo depicts the olive tree in its main features: firm roots emerging from the ground, a knobby trunk, lush foliage and olives. This tree appears as well in the Italian Republic’s emblem, embodying national identity and its projection into the future. The tree is crossed by a blue graphics symbol recalling the Mediterranean Sea, the “middle sea” in which Italy historically and culturally holds a central position and that connects the world’s two great maritime spaces, the Atlantic on one side and the Indo-Pacific on the other. Among the tree’s fronds seven olives are depicted, representing the seven Nations that make up the G7 and cooperate on global challenges.
G7 Leaders’ Summit: a taste of Puglia
G7 leaders have much to look forward to when they visit Puglia this summer.

The food will be fantastic. G7 leaders will have the opportunity of tasting Puglia’s best known regional dishes.
Puglia is known as one of Italy’s top foodie destinations. The region’s fertile red soil and climate make Puglia one of Italy’s top durum wheat producers. With the longest coast of Italy’s mainland regions, Puglia is known for its seafood. It is also the top regional producer of Italian olive oil, accounting for almost 40%, and producing Italy’s best tasting and most prized olive oil. Puglia is the top producer of Italian red wines, such as primitivo and negroamaro, and is Italy’s 2nd top regional wine producer.

In addition to spaghetti all’assassina, also known as spaghetti bruciati (burnt spaghetti), Puglia gave the world burrata cheese.
Puglia’s pizzica tradition
Pizzica is the centuries old folk-music from Puglia’s Salento region that still whips up a frenzy all over Italy.
Whether or not G7 leaders will ride with one of Puglia’s 2024 summer travel trends and try the tarantella style dance is not known. But no doubt they will be treated to a display of Puglia’s traditional music that can be seen and heard on the streets of Salento all summer long, from Ostuni to Otranto and beyond!
Trulli Puglia

Known as la terra tra due mari – the land between two seas – Puglia is one of the most diverse regions in Italy.
The region stretches some 400km in length. From Gargano a mountainous and verdant peninsula comprising the spur of Italy’s boot, to Santa Maria di Leuca at the tip of the heel of Italy’s boot, literally land’s end.
To the north, dramatic limestone cliffs plunge into the deep blue of the Adriatic. The expansive Tavoliere, a plain adorned with durum wheat fields around Foggia, transitions southward into the rolling olive groves of the Valle d’Itria, the sprawling vineyards around Manduria, and the prickly pear-lined vistas of the Salento peninsula.
Puglia’s architecture is equally diverse. Discover iconic trulli, whimsical cone-shaped dwellings unique to the region. Ancient masserie, once fortified farmhouses to hold out against Saracen invaders, have been transformed into luxurious boutique hotels. Then there are Puglia’s famous città bianche. White-walled towns sitting atop hillsides whose historic centres, a maze of whitewashed alleys. It is no coincidence that these are reminiscent of Greece. The Salento peninsula was once Magna Grecia, greater Greece. Throughout Salento many towns are still known by their Greek names. Local dialects betray their Greek origins.

Puglia is known for its award winning beaches. Gallipoli’s Punta della Suina regularly tops polls as Italy’s favourite beach and is considered to be one of the best 40 beaches in Europe.
Keep up to date
Read The Puglia Guys Savelletri Guide, including our guide to Savelletri’s best restaurants | Check out the official G7 2024 website.
Thank you so much for your reply, LuigiMax. My knowledge of Brindisi streets is not good at all. My accommodation is very close to the ferry (Capitaneria di Porto), in front of Caffè Ausonia. I haven’t managed to understand if that particular area will be closed. What is your opinion?
Thank you again.
Ciao Sandra.
1. We have added full details of all Brindisi restrictions and the roads affected (our website has a search function, in the article search Garibaldi for Corso Guiseppe Garibaldi where the bar you mention is located).
2. There is a plan for guidance, but refer to full details of specific roads.
3. Contact your hosts hotel to ask them to confirm specific arrangements for access to the accommodation.
Sadly, we were forced to divert to Cozze as our booking in Savelletrie was canceled due to no one being allowed to access the city center effective today. Any recommendations for Cozze? Places to see? Restaurants? Executions? Beaches? Thank you!!
Ciao – ok. Not quite accurate as the restrictions for guests apply from 1:00 PM on June 11 to 1:00 PM on June 16 (or until the need ceases). However with strict restrictions in Savelletri you are probably better away!
If you are looking for beach, can you shift to Torre Canne? The beach around Monopoli and Polignano isn’t great if it is sand you are looking for. Our Monopoli City guide has all the information about nearby beaches (the same ones you will find around Cozze – not one of the destinations we suggested, but we would be interested to hear your thoughts).
But from Torre Canne you can easily access the better stretches of Adriatic coast beach. If you are open to driving to these beaches, then Ostuni might make a good base for a few days. You should be able to avoid all the commotion of G7 that side!
Safe travels
Hello Luigi and Max,
I’ll be arriving in Brindisi on the 13th before 7pm from London, so my flight is allowed to land. Although I’ve looked everywhere, it is not clear to me if the Airport buses will be working or not, and if I – as a non-resident will be able to use them. (I usually take the bus from the airport to Centro).
Do you know anything about this specifically?
Thank you so much in advance.
Ciao. I am LuigiMax. Marco is the other guy who sometimes messages.
I am writing this sitting in Brindisi airport, though in the best Italian tradition there is no one here (A busy Sunday morning) to ask!
The airport website is urging people to use public transport to access Brindisi airport between 13 – 15 June rather than using their own cars. We know the main access to the airport is closed for most of the conference, but the airport is open for business, apart from the 4 hour airspace closure.
“Airports of Puglia, therefore, invites Passengers to preferentially plan to use public transport to reach the airports also in order to avoid…”
“Aeroporti di Puglia, pertanto, invita i Passeggeri a prevedere, in via preferenziale, l’impiego dei mezzi pubblici per raggiungere gli aeroporti anche al fine di evitare…”
However have you checked where your accommodation is? Most of central Brindisi is locked down on 13th with strict limits on access to residents with documentary proof of residence or who work in the zone, with documentation evidencing their workplace.
Strict compliance and despite the “great inconveniences” residents can glow I. The pride the attention will bring to the region, and thus put up with the disruption that still isn’t fully clear!
Keep up to date with our article. We add to it regularly.
Was just informed by uur host in Savelletrie that there will be no access for non residents starting June 9. This seems so early to restrict access
As we posted in our update yesterday: “Expected to be announced yesterday (5 June), citizens and tourists are incredibly frustrated to still not know the restrictions that will apply!”.
We still have no official update. We were in Savelletri yesterday and no-one had yet had officially confirmed information. There is no news this morning and the latest update we have was updated at 16:01 yesterday. That included the same comment about lack of information, and this:
“[The]Municipality of Fasano, in recent days, dozens and dozens of phone calls have arrived not only from residents in the Fasano area but also from tourists asking for information which, naturally, no one has been able to respond to. It seems that even the mayor Francesco Zaccaria will know at the last minute how the security system in the city will be implemented and the creation of any red zones.”
We would be astounded if, when announced, lockdown was initiated on 9 June, some 4 days before G7 starts. We already know that in Brindisi, the first focus, full lockdown is initiated only hours before the start of the conference. Other security arrangements ahead of that involve road closures, re-routing and other minor restrictions, closure of airspace etc.
We note the coincidence of the information provided by your host with the date of your arrival!
Thank you! If we end up having to pivot and not stay in Savelletrie, what would be your recommendation for somewhere similar in the sea. I would need to make a quick accommodation change as we are to arrive June 9.
Nothing to add to the info previously provided on 14 May:
14 May 2024 at 17:44 Edit
Because we don’t know the extent of the red zone, we can only guide you towards the more distant. Monopoli, for example, is so close that even if it is not in the red zone, it is likely journeys in and out, will be disrupted.
Something comparable to Savelletri by size might be Torre dell’Orso. Or on the Ionian side (which we prefer to the Adriatic), look at San Pietro in Bevagna or Torre Lapillo or Porto Cesareo. All these are sufficiently distant and unlikely to be affected.
Of these we’d put San Pietro and Porto Cesareo top. Then look at Torre dell’Orso and Torre Lapillo.
Not so comparable – Savelletri is hardly a village – by size, you might want to look at these. If you are arriving in Bari, Gargano is likely to be totally unaffected, with the bonus it is stunningly beautiful and will feel off the beaten track. Consider Peschici which is smaller than Vieste. Gargano is certainly worth considering if you have a car. If that’s too far, take a look around Trani, also on the other side of Bari – though the stretches of beach around there are much smaller.
At the other end, there is Otranto and Gallipoli. These destinations would suit onward journey from arrival at Brindisi. Again, these are bigger than Savelletri is. Savelletri is hardly even a small town!
All these suggestions (and to be clear, we are not suggesting Monopoli) other than Trani have long stretches of sandy beach.
We have beach guides and destination guides that are written to help, take a look. They take into account whether you have your own transport or not.
The Puglia Guys Guide to finding the best base for vacation in Puglia.
The Puglia Guys Guide to Puglia’s best beaches.
Hope that helps. In bocca al lupo finding alternatives. The directly comparable destinations are popular choices for Italians, but they don’t arrive until August, so that should mean still good availability!
Hello, any updates on Sevelletrie if one has a booking via Airbnb or Our own host does not have as much information as you and has been trying to encourage us not to come. Thanks
We have a rolling update here on The Puglia Guys report on the G7 In Puglia. As soon as there is new information we update. We check every day and update as soon as new security restrictions are announced.
We think that the details of the full Savelletri lockdown will be confirmed this weekend, but as we have reported, during the conference Savelletri will be in full lockdown. Registered residents may come and go using the secure pre-registered kiss and go arrangements. We doubt new arrivals will be allowed access during the lockdown, those who arrive before will be locked down in Savelletri for the 3 days.
All is still to be confirmed. That is the nature of the security arrangements in the current world climate, that we await the restrictions.
We would go anywhere else than Savelletri to avoid the huge and massive disruption that local residents will suffer, likely so much more for travellers. But the lockdown alterative if it is interesting for 3 days is possible (we would leave the area to enjoy our freedoms)! If hosts that would receive your cash are suggesting you avoid their booking, that seems extremely wise!
We are going to Savelletri tomorrow to ask the locals how they feel and if they understand the security arrangements as they might apply.
Very helpful information collecting in one place and update regularly. I approcite it. Great job! I have a plan arrive, with my family, June 14th in the evening to Brindisi and stay in the city center. My host informed me that Brindisi will be affected also by this event. Now I read on your blog that only 13th will be restricted. Maybe do you think/ know or could confirm that weekend June 14-16 is a still good idea to visit Brindisi or better change our plans?
Thank you for any advice!
The G7 takes place in Savelletri, some 55km out of Brindisi city. However Brindisi Airport will be the main arrival and departure airport for the world leaders. An event is also being hosted in downtown Brindisi itself on the 13th June.
At the moment only some of the security measures have been confirmed. For security reasons the main restrictions are still awaited. The arrangements known about that affect Brindisi we have reported on are not just limited to the 13th. However the main restrictions will apply on the 13th when the leaders are in downtown Brindisi for the opening dinner.
1. 11 June to 16 June. Brindisi is affected by transit and parking bans from 7am on 11 June until 1pm on 16 June nearby the airport.
2. 12 June “until the need ceases”. Ban on parking and stopping in some areas of the center of Brindisi not far from Castello Svevo, including: via Carmine from the intersection of via Giordano Bruno up to via Cristoforo Colombo and piazzale Lenio Flacco.
3. 13 June. Brindisi airport will be in lockdown for commercial flights from 7pm to 11pm on the 13th June 2024.
4. 13 June “until the need ceases”. Suspension and diversion of the public transport service (bus-taxi-medium/long distance) will be in force, along the road arteries affected by the main and alternative itineraries intended for the mobility of delegations, as well as along the urban road axes included in the urban safety area”.
5. 13 June. Lockdown of downtown Brindisi for most of the day and into the early hours of the next morning (this is what we think you are referring to) while the inaugural dinner is hosted here. There will be park and ride arrangements for registered residents who need to get to their homes during these arrangements. Travel in and out of these areas is for registered residents by shuttle bus – they have to leave cars in out of town car parking areas and are shuttled to and from by secure buses.
Brindisi Province, which is the larger administrative area within which Savelletri is located, is affected by more restrictions, mainly focussed around Savelletri, but we also anticipate travel to Monopoli and Alberobello will be affected at certain times as it is anticipated leaders will make visits.
G7 starts 13 June, ends 15 June. You have an overlap, but you arrive the day after the most significant Brindisi (city) disruption and leave the day after. You will be affected by enhanced security arrangements at the airport and possibly by as yet unknown restrictions on circulation on 15th when leaders depart. There is still likely to be some low level general disruption around the dates and main events.
Hope that helps you come to a conclusion!
Thank you so much !
Regarding visitors with schengen visa, is it suspended for all italy, or only the southern region?
I have a trip to florence from 18_22 June, will it be a problem??
Hi – we are reporting on the arrangements for G7 in Puglia only as they affect Puglia. As we understand it only Puglia is affected, but we have not verified this. You should check with your travel company or airline.
The only change from suspension of Schengen arrangements is that there will be border controls in and out of Puglia at airports, ferry ports etc, for ALL passengers during this period, whether arriving from inside or outside Schengen. It does not mean a VISA is now required during this period if it was not required before the temporary suspension.
Travel between Schengen countries is usually frictionless with no border control. Normally, passengers coming from Paris to Brindisi, for example, do not pass through border control. But during this period, there will be border control on arrival in Brindisi. Those who have passports issued outside Schengen arriving from Paris, for example, will still have them stamped from when when they first entered Schengen elsewhere.
Hope that helps. However this is simply our understanding and you should check with your airline or travel company for advice on how the G7 in Puglia might affect your travel arrangements elsewhere.
Are there any additional dates regarding Savelletri and the G7 closures?
Ciao. Yes the article is updated regularly as soon as new information is available. Updates were added on 18 and 24 May. The first security measures have been announced. But these relate to the airport, issued by the Brindisi city municipality.
We were in Savelletri last week (visit referenced with pictures on our twitter and Instagram). We asked local businesses, who confirmed the same suspected information: Savelletri will be in complete lockdown, but pre-registered domiciled residents may have passes to get in and out of the town. Regulations will be made public perhaps as late as only 10 days before the summit, the lateness for security reasons.
We check for new information each day and the article will be updated as and when anything confirmed can be reported.
Very interesting and helpful indeed. This must be quite frustrating for the locals as well as for us trying to determine if we need to shift gears in terms of lodging. We do not mind if for a few days we must relax and remain in one place as we will be there for one week. We are trying to determine if we are even able to arrive for our stay on June 9 and depart on June 16. It is hard ti imagine that an entire major highway would be cut off for the entire time. In the US, it is typical for a portion of the transport route to shut down for the time in which the dignitary is passing to/from. But, this is not the US! Any information you obtain is very helpful as we navigate if we must change our destination.
Thank you again!
By way of comparison, the G7 Finance Ministers are meeting in Stresa (by Lake Maggiore) from 23 – 25 May. Yesterday, with just 10 days to go before that meeting the restrictions were published. There will be a red zone, with exclusive access only to Ministers and delegates, and a yellow zone. We cannot find more info on the extent of the red zone. The yellow zone affects most of central Stresa. Residents and domiciled residents in the yellow zone must obtain a pass from the provincial police HQ in advance in order to get in and out of the yellow zone.
These restrictions appear to operate for the duration of the conference.
To get the residents pass, residents have to attend the police HQ in person with ID, documents and can only do so on 2 specified days!!!
Key take away points:
1 Red zone has total exclusion;
2 yellow zone means residents must obtain a security pass to be shown to enter and exit the yellow zone area;
3 restrictions were published officially only 10 days before the start of conference.
We expect similar restrictions to apply, in terms of complete exclusion (red) and entry for residents by pass only (yellow), but the key information will be the extent of the red and the yellow zones for the G7 Leaders Summit.
We would speculate that while the Adriatic highway which runs within 8km of the Borgo will stay open during the conference, the exit and entry roads within a specified area will be blocked off, or accessible only for residents with a requisite pass. In practice that would likely mean lockdown for Savelletri from 13 – 15 June, with disruption either side while logistics are organised.
Anyway, as we said, watch this space. But it might still be another 2 weeks before we know the detail!
Extremely helpful yet again!!
Look here:
It indicates the “red zone” only emcompasses the resort property itself.
Yes, we started with the press release which confirms that the entire resort will be a in a “maximum-security” zone. It never struck us that native English speakers might read this as a “maximum security area” (meaning no greater than the resort will be imposed). We read the English one first and took it to mean the former – there is a way of understanding English translation of Italian source. However the original Italian version confirms the clearer intent:
“Un’area di massima sicurezza che includerà l’intera struttura di Borgo Egnazia verrà delimitata come ‘zona rossa’”.
(An area of maximim security that will include the entire Borgo Egnazia structure will be demarcated as a ‘red zone’).
In addition from the Bari edition of our national newspaper La Repubblica:
‘G7,5mila militari e zona rossa di 10 chilometri attorno a Borgo Egnazia: così la Puglia sarà blindata per accogliere i grandi del mondo
Budget da 45 milioni di euro per il vertice che sarà ospitato dall’Italia.
Una zona “rossa” attorno a Borgo Egnazia di almeno 10 km quadrati, che potrebbe arrivare a 30 comprendendo anche una seconda zona “gialla”,’
(‘G7.5 thousand soldiers and a 10 kilometer red zone around Borgo Egnazia: thus Puglia will be armoured to welcome the greats of the world
Budget of 45 million euros for the summit which will be hosted by Italy.
A “red” zone around Borgo Egnazia of at least 10 square km, which could reach 30 including a second “yellow” zone,’)
And from the Puglia edition of another national newspaper yesterday:
“Un mese al G7, il vertice dei sette grandi. L’appuntamento è dal 13 al 15 giugno a Borgo Egnazia ma mentre proseguono spediti i lavori di preparazione a livello logistico dell’evento c’è ancora mistero sulle limitazioni a cui dovranno far fronte i cittadini. Più passano i giorni e più i residenti di Fasano e comuni limitrofi sono ansiosi di capire quale sarà la zona rossa dove sarà off limits muoversi. Le voci sono talmente tante che si rischia di innescare un processo di confusione che di certo non aiuta. Pare che entro una decina di giorni saranno emanate le ordinanze che spiegheranno nel dettaglio cosa si potrà e non si potrà fare nell’area soprattutto circostante Savelletri.”
(A month at the G7, the summit of the big seven. The appointment is from 13 to 15 June in Borgo Egnazia but while the logistical preparation work for the event continues rapidly, there is still mystery about the limitations that citizens will have to face. The more days pass, the more the residents of Fasano and neighboring municipalities are anxious to understand what will be the red zone where moving will be off limits. There are so many rumors that there is a risk of triggering a process of confusion which certainly doesn’t help. It seems that within about ten days the ordinances will be issued which will explain in detail what can and cannot be done in the area especially surrounding Savelletri.)
National infrastructure runs within 5-8km of the Borgo. The national rail line and the main Adriatic highway, our main transport arteries that connect among others Bari and Lecce, and it is difficult to imagine that these will remain closed during the entire summit. But it is expected not just Savelletri but neighbouring towns will be affected.
Until the local ordinances are published we would certainly advise cautiously and suggest avoiding Savelletri and even Monopoli due to its proximity. We simply don’t know what restrictions will apply then, other than the report from a national press agency that there will be a minimum 10km red zone! And even if access is permitted in practice it’s going to be very, very, very disruptive with Italian security running the show and on the ground. They are not known for their common sense or flexible approach!
Thank very much for the coffee. Much appreciated.
Curious if you are aware or agree with this: According to G7 regs, they only close when leaders are in transit, and only roads that they are traveling on. There are two roads into sevelletri: SP 40, the coastal Road, and SP four, the road that goes to the highway. The only way to get to the resort is SP4, therefore, SP 20, which is the main drive-through town, should remain open.
This is what our research is advising.
You guys are amazing and certainly very helpful! My Airbnb host is the one who reached out to move my booking as she thinks the town will be shut down during our stay which is June 9-16. Again, so helpful, thank you for all of your help! I shall buy you a coffee or two:)
Also, do we know what days the restrictions will go into place? We arrive June it possible that the closures occur on June 14-16? But not sooner?
We don’t know yet. The information has not been made public. We expect there will be disruption the day or days before and after. We don’t expect restrictions to apply as early as 9th that would disrupt arriving – and especially not if you are flying to Bari. Biden is expected to land in Airforce One at Brindisi (although originally it was rumoured it would be Taranto). We expect that AF1 will leave Brindisi and wait out the Summit at Taranto, before returning to Brindisi again. Once the information is public we will update our article.
Thank you! This is very is so sad for the town and we were so looking forward to staying there. Any recommendations for a seaside town similar to Sevelletrie that may not be in the red zone?
Because we don’t know the extent of the red zone, we can only guide you towards the more distant. Monopoli, for example, is so close that even if it is not in the red zone, it is likely journeys in and out, will be disrupted.
Something comparable to Savelletri by size might be Torre dell’Orso. Or on the Ionian side (which we prefer to the Adriatic), look at San Pietro in Bevagna or Torre Lapillo or Porto Cesareo. All these are sufficiently distant and unlikely to be affected.
Of these we’d put San Pietro and Porto Cesareo top. Then look at Torre dell’Orso and Torre Lapillo.
Not so comparable – Savelletri is hardly a village – by size, you might want to look at these. If you are arriving in Bari, Gargano is likely to be totally unaffected, with the bonus it is stunningly beautiful and will feel off the beaten track. Consider Peschici which is smaller than Vieste. Gargano is certainly worth considering if you have a car. If that’s too far, take a look around Trani, also on the other side of Bari – though the stretches of beach around there are much smaller.
At the other end, there is Otranto and Gallipoli. These destinations would suit onward journey from arrival at Brindisi. Again, these are bigger than Savelletri is. Savelletri is hardly even a small town!
All these suggestions (and to be clear, we are not suggesting Monopoli) other than Trani have long stretches of sandy beach.
We have beach guides and destination guides that are written to help, take a look. They take into account whether you have your own transport or not.
The Puglia Guys Guide to finding the best base for vacation in Puglia.
The Puglia Guys Guide to Puglia’s best beaches.
Hope that helps. In bocca al lupo finding alternatives. The directly comparable destinations are popular choices for Italians, but they don’t arrive until August, so that should mean still good availability!
Do we know what roads or towns will be closed and what dates? We have a reservation for Sevelletrie June 9-15 and am being told our vacation rental is now not available.
The Summit of G7 Heads of State and Government, will be held at Borgo Egnazia, in the municipality of Fasano (Brindisi) from Thursday 13 June to Saturday 15 June.
There will be a minimum 10km square ‘red zone’ around Borgo Egnazia on 13, 14 and 15 June. So Savelletri will be at the heart of the red security zone. All access will be restricted (although residents will probably have limited movement).
With a month to go, we still do not know the full extent of the restrictions that will apply and which nearby towns will be affected. We don’t yet know how it will impact on local businesses, but there will be closures. It is anticipated that the ordinances will be issued in around 10 days, when the full extent of the restrictions will be known.
It has been mentioned that the restrictions could apply to a 35sq. Km zone, with a yellow buffer zone around the red zone.
Check back here for further information.